Browsing Archive: January, 2011

Climate change & our indvidual contribution:

Posted by Tapan Kumar on Wednesday, January 19, 2011,
Climate change is for real and its alarming impact is evident all around us.In the US, on an average, a passenger car emits more than 5 tons of Co2 every year.
The average American home emits four tons CO2 per person every year.
As a global citizen each of us can help reducing carbon emission by following ways:
a) We could use our own transport only when absolutely necessary.
b) Using energy-saving electrical equipment.
c) Cutting down fewer trees & planting more.
d) Preventing wastage of water thr...
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New ISRO satellite study says 75% of Himalayan Glaciers are melting, 8% advancing and 17% showing no change. Average retreat was an alarming 3.75 Km between 1989 & 2004. 2190 Glaciers were studied, with experts making field trips to confirm satellite data. The Findings are sure to raise concern over the health of Asia's 'water Towers'.

 There is sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.---Mohandas K Gandhi


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